La Traviata

Opera by G.Verdi. Hrynyvetska/Lavrenchuk/Ruah/Regrut/Gara, Odesa National Opera

OperaVision. "Golden Crown" by Lyatoshynsky

Stage Director a piece of the opera performed by Teatr Wielki - Opera Narodowa

Maria Stuarda


First Ukrainian School of Theater and Cinema



Dramatic performance based on Sł.Mrożek. Lavrenchuk/Ruah

Anna Karenina

Dramatic performance based on Leo Tolstoy's poem. Lavrenchuk/Ruah/Gara

Richard Strauss. The Last Romantic

Samoila/Lavrenchuk/Anisenko/Sklyarenko, Odesa National Opera

Albert Herring by Benjamin Britten

Wołosiuk/Sofulak/Karolczak/Lavrenchuk, Teatr Wielki w Poznaniu

Eurovision-2017, Kyiv

Eugene Lavrenchuk was a Stage Director on International Song Contest Eurovision

Odesa National Opera Foundation

General and Artistic Director, Head of Foundation